Pohjois-Karjalan avoimet (North Karelia Open) disc golf tournament is played for the fourth time in Joensuu, Finland. City of Joensuu and its surroundings offer visitors many beautiful places to experience and of course many disc golf courses to play!
For more travelling information check VisitKarelia.fi -webpage.
Tournament information
Dates: Sat-Sun 8. - 9.7.2017
Place: Joensuu, Finland
Courses: Lykynlammen frisbeegolfrata, Onttolantie 94 & Utran frisbeegolfrata, Miilunpolttajantie 13 (Course maps)
- PDGA B-tier
- 144 players in the following divisions (reserved spots): MPO (56), FPO (16), MPM (20), MPG (12), MPS (8), MJ1 (12), FPM (6), FJ1 (6) (+ 8 wild cards available - contact the TD!)
- 3 rounds of 18 holes for everyone
- 2 rounds on Saturday 8.7.2017 with shotgun starts (Pool A: 1st round at Lykynlampi and 2nd round at Utra | Pool B: 1st round at Utra and 2nd round at Lykynlampi)
- 1 round on Sunday 9.7.2017 with tee times (Lykynlampi)
- Detailed schedule
Contact information
Tournament director: Antti Ylönen, [email protected], +358 50 307 58 71
Assistant tournament directors: Juuso Nenonen, Ismo Louhelainen & Tero Tumanoff
Payout & prizes
PRO divisions:
- Cash payouts in all PRO divisions (can be changed into gift cards for AM players)
- Payout 70 % for top 25 %
- Added cash (500 Eur) available: MPO (top 4) and FPO (top 2)
- Winner of each division gets trophy
Junior divisions:
- Top 3 in junior divisions will receive gift card prizes and also top 3 will get medals
Tournament registration
- You must have Kisakone -user account (detailed instructions at the bottom of this page)
- A foreign player needs to have a valid PDGA-membership
- Click "Kirjaudu sisään" (login) on the Kisakone -front page and sign up for the tournament here: https://kisakone.frisbeegolfliitto.fi/kilpailu/742/katso/ilmoittautuminen
- Registration begins 3rd of May at 21:00 (UTC+02:00)
- Player spots will be filled in registration order
- Payments will be checked 7th of June and players who have not paid the fee will be removed from the tournament and players will be added into the tournament from the waiting list in the order of registration
- Registration will continue if there are still spots left
Tournament fees
- 30 Eur: MPO, FPO, MPM, FPM, MPG, MPS
- 15 Eur: MJ1, FJ1
Payment details:
- Recipient: Joen Liitokiekko ry
- IBAN: FI81 5770 0520 1473 04
- Payment reference number: 2448
- Detailed information about hotel accommodation offer can be found here.
Friday Doubles
- Doubles play on Friday 7.7.2017 at Lykynlammen frisbeegolfrata
- Start times between 15:00 - 18:00, group will start when two pairs are ready go
- Everyone can participate - no membership requirements
- One round of 18 holes, "best shot" -format
- 4 divisions: open, mixed, ladies and juniors
- 10 Eur per pair, payout 100 % (top 3: 50/30/20)
How to make Kisakone -user account?
- Click "Rekisteröidy" on the front page to begin registration.
- Enter your first name, last name and email address. Please use an active email account in the registration.
- Choose your user name and a password. Confirm password.
- Enter your PDGA number, sex (mies = male, nainen = female) and year of birth.
- Accept the standard terms and conditions.
- Confirm by clickin "Hyväksy".
- Now you can login ("Kirjaudu sisään") to Kisakone with your user account.
