Kirjaudu sisään | Rekisteröidy ![]() KisakoneInfo - Wasa Discgolf Open 2017
Hosting Club: Korsholm Mustasaari Disc Club Ry Time: 20.-21.5.2017 Place: Vanhan Vaasa ruins, Korsholm Church park & Vanhan Vaasa Castle Hill Players: 72 (69 places through kisakonee + 3 wildcards) Classes: MPO, FPO, MPM, MA3 ja MJ1 (Pros playing Am rule also) Tournament Fees: MPO/FPO/MPM 20€, MA3/MJ1 10€. Paid to KMDC account (FI86 1528 3500 0354 10) BIC? (I'll have get back for that) by 12.5.2016. Write on the message field: Wasa Open 2017, your name and class. Registration opens: Wednesday 12.4.2017 - 18:00 Payout: 75% MPO,FPO & MPM money purse, MA3 & MJ1 giftcard / frisbees following the SFL:n guidelines. Tournament form: 3x18 holes CTP: CTP hole(s) will be published later The Course: The coursemaps will be published about one week prior the tournament. Tournament central: @ the Vanha Vaasa ruins park by the Kauppiaankatu
Schedule: Saturday: Registration 8:30-9:0 Players meeting 9:15 First round 10:00 Players meeting (may still change) 14:00 Second round (may still change) 14:30
Sunday Players meeting 9:30 Third round 10:00 Prizeceremony as soon as we have checked the results...
Doubles: Friday 19.5. starts 15:00 to 18:00 when at least two pairs are at starting plaec. 10€/double, payout 100%
Contact Info: TD: Jukka Vieri, +358405691546, [email protected] Assistant TDs: